Hello and a warm welcome to my website.
I write heartwarming historical fiction based on real events. I love creating stories woven around my research and how women’s lives changed during the Second World War when they did extraordinary things, and were pushed far out of the familiarity of their pre-war lives – all of which makes wonderful fuel for storytelling! I enjoy researching for my books and discovering gems which inspire my writing.
I’ve adored books and reading for as long as I can remember and it seemed the natural thing to want to write myself. I first began writing fiction as a teenager, but started to take it more seriously when my children were small, although time was limited then, so I wrote short stories for magazines. As my children grew, I progressed on to longer stories, first with People’s Friend pocket novels and serials, and eventually to full length novels.
I live by the sea in beautiful North Norfolk with my with family and when I’m not writing, like to get outside and walk around my home area enjoying nature.
I love hearing from readers – it’s one of the greatest joys of being a writer – so please do get in touch via:
Facebook: Rosie Hendry Books or join my private readers group – Rosie Hendry’s Reader Group
Twitter: @hendry_rosie
Instagram: rosiehendryauthor
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with warmest wishes,
Rosie x