Rookery House is the house owned by Thea, and where expectant evacuee mother Marianne is billeted after she arrives in the village of Great Plumstead.
It’s a detached Victorian house standing on its own, just outside the village, in large grounds, and is inspired by the house I grew up in and other similar ones in the village. There’s plenty of room there for Thea and those who live with her.

For some time after I started writing The Mother’s Day Club, I didn’t have a name for the house. One day when I was walking home from the beach, past the field with cows grazing and where rooks were foraging, the name Rookery House popped into my mind and I knew that was perfect for Thea’s home.

Coming up soon, exclusively for my newsletter subscribers is a special competition to win a signed copy of The Mother’s Day Club and I will also make the winner a pair of handknitted socks, in true 1940s style. There is still time to sign up for my newsletter here, and also get a free copy of my ebook of short stories too, if you’d like to enter.